The 3rd generation is now open!
As usual, Generation 2 has been quickly completed thanks to G, Eléonore Voisin and Dorian Maigues, who know Objectif3280 by heart. Generation 3 is now open with 9 echoes to post. Go to the «Participate» tab to post your picture. 0

De beaux lendemains: here is the picture where everything will start tomorrow
Let me introduce you to «De beaux lendemains»… This is the unique and central picture of Generation 1 on which I propose you to start for the 4th edition! I hope it will inspire you and will lead to great stories. For this 4th edition, and it’s new, every one is invited to write a...

Objectif3280: the trailer is online! See you on the 17th of January for the launch of the 4th edition!
Here is a short video (simple and funny I hope!) that explains the whys and wherefores of Objectif3280! It should help those who have not yet participated to any edition of Objectif3280 to clarify everything! And, to all of you: share, share, share around you. This trailer has been created for that! 0
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